Another 365 days have passed and here I am still standing strong in my conviction to not drink any longer.  It has now been… however way you want to measure not just 1 year, but now 2…. 

“…In daylights, in sunsets, In midnights, in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles, In laughter, in strife?…”

2 years? 24 months? 104 weeks? 730 days? 17,520 hours? 1,051,200 seconds?

In that moment I knew I was taking that last sip of liquid that was robbing me all of who I was and who I hoped to become. It took away countless hours, days, months even years away from the people and things I love the most and hold dear to my heart.

I can attest to all, right here and right now, that it has continued to be absolutely the best decision I’ve ever made for myself. No one forced me to choose this path, I chose it for myself first and foremost but for my loved ones too. No one told me I had to or else… or anything like that. I just knew that if I continued down that dark path that I would not be here now to share some pretty spectacular news with all of you!

As some may have heard by now, Aaron and I have sold our house here in MI and found a house in the Sunshine State and will be moving next month!! We have dreamt for a very long time to make this happen for ourselves and I can’t actually believe we have nearly made it all comes true! We have had unbelievable support from all our kids, our parents and our friends and we are thankful for all of you! Without our spectacular dynamic duo down in FL all of this would not be going as smoothly as it has been. A lot of people wondered if we could pull off finding a buyer for our house up here, finding a house down there and then being able to time everything just SO to seemlessly move out of our MI home directly in our new FL home in about 2 months time… but so far we have been and still are on track to get it done!

For a bit more perspective we had our house on the market for just over 2 weeks (3 weekends) when we got the offer we accepted that 3rd weekend and will be closing in days now. Once we knew all was going to move forward with the sale of the MI house, we flew down and toured 4 houses. We found our new house and had our offer accepted within 24 hours, cleared to close in only 8 days and will be closed in 2.5 weeks!

With all this said, I’m eternally grateful to my 4 kids, all of their significant others, our parents, our families and our friends who have continued to be a source of strength, hope and support in all of our endeavors over the last 2 years. To FINALLY to be in this place to is pretty surreal!

Circling back around though and as a reminder to all, addiction can affect anyone. It does not discriminate it doesn’t care what you look like, how much money you make or where you live. It can and does afflict even the the least suspecting of folks. It is quietly left silent in the shadows as alcohol is so accepted and drinking is also so often just expected and the “norm” for you to do at every occasion. If you are not drinking, you may get questioned, “what’s the matter with you, to why aren’t you drinking?!?” We need to change that mentality.

If you know someone in your life that is struggling, let them know you are there for them. No one can make them stop before they are ready to do it for themselves, but letting them know you’re there when and if they are ready for help, that may give them to courage to get to their Day 1.

One Day At A Time.

Much love to my love, Aaron who has been my rock. We are almost there!! It’s been a long road, but we are making all our dreams come true. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our family. Love you forever.

October 17, 2022
October 30, 2021

October 30, 2020

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